Saturday, December 28, 2013

Some Doctors in Ireland are NOT qualified...WTF!!

pic only for display, not the real doctor

I read an article a couple days ago about a Doctor in Dublin who was removed from his post after proving that he had very little knowledge of how to be a doctor. His name was Vincent Oswunko from Nigeria. He has worked in Portlaoise Hospital in the midlands of Ireland since 2009 and has a litany of allegations from nurses, doctors and surgeons stating that he "lacked even basic medical knowledge". Here is a link to the story from the Irish Times. I'm extremely disturbed to think that this man worked as a Senior House Officer. This is a very important role in the hospital, God knows how many patients this "Doctor" worked on. Whats even more disturbing is the fact that there could be more people like this working in our hospitals. Also to note this person worked in Crumlin Children's hospital before moving to Portlaoise... WTF.... This person was working with sick children. It couldn't get any worse. I wonder if any of his pals are also working here with such incompetency.

This type of thing cannot be allowed to happen. Being a doctor shouldn't be something that's taken lightly when doing the hiring. Are we that stupid in this country to hire people based on a few documents, if this so called doctor even had any documents to prove he was a practicing healthcare professional doctor? Any why when quizzed did former Retired consultant surgeon Walter Conway, who worked with Dr Osunkwo, said he was “deficient in many areas” and did not have the “basic medical knowledge even a medical student should know”. Why didn't this retired surgeon mention this earlier and call for immediate action? Are Doctors hiding this knowledge from us? Do Doctors stick with other Doctors and protect them from getting into trouble? For such an important profession this should not be true.

How many unqualified people are working as Doctors in Ireland. I'm calling for an immediate investigation into every doctor in the country. And any doctors withholding evidence about incompetency from other doctors then they should also be held accountable. In an age where the public healthcare is bad enough and doctors are paid huge salaries this cannot and should not happen again. Its time for some common sense. Hospitals should be safe havens for people who are the most vulnerable.

I would love to know if this man ever trained in a university to be a doctor. If he was i would like to see the results of any examinations taken .I would also like to know if its east to forge paperwork to make it look as if he was a doctor. Because, judging by the news article and what the witnesses are allegedly saying it doesn't look s if he was a real doctor. And if he was a real doctor then maybe his mental state should be checked out. Asking if 165 bpm was a fast heart rate...i even know the answer to that.

The following is a follow up article in December 2013. He was given a 4 week period where he had to shadow other doctors while he improves his own skills. This is actually laughable. Its like telling someone who has no professional skills as a tiler to watch a tiler lay tiles by just watching how its done by a real professional. This is a frightening way to deal with someone with such a level of incompetency.

What actually happened to this man for such negligence and possible fraud?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Horse burned to death in Tallaght, Dublin

Horse burned to death in Tallaght, Dublin

 What sort of sick bastards do we have in our society. To not just harm a defenseless animal such as a beautiful horse but to kill one in such sick fashion. The people who are responsible for this barbaric, cowardly act need to pay a very high price. These people need to be hung, drawn and quartered like in the olden days. There should be no mercy spared for these sick examples of people. When i read something as horrifying as this is makes me sad and embarrassed to be a human. These mantally sick people have a serious problem. 

A “number of young people” are believed to have been involved, and the DSPCA is urging a key witness to come forward.

So far up to my reading of this NO man or woman has come forward as a witness. Now i am asking why the legislation on owning a horse in this country is still so lenient. This should wake the country up and the ISPCA (Irish Society of the Protection of Cruelty to Animals). Although i believe the majority of the work they do is good i know the level the government play in what they ISPCA are allowed to do needs to be addressed, quickly. Also the ISPCA need to lobby more for direction in the Dail (Irish Parliament) instead of only going by current practice. They should push the boundaries further and further until animals in this country have the right protection from barbarians such as this.

 Have a read of the following Irish Independent article on the original story:

This really boils me up. If anyone knows the names of the culprits please send them to me as they need to be reported. I remember when i was a teenager a traveler was hitting a horse very inhumanely until myself and a friend intervened and requested the older traveler boy to refrain from mistreating the horse. Luckily for him he did but the abuse we witnessed first hand is only a small example of what happens on a daily basis in our society. A society where we allow people to own such a beautiful creature with very little legislation attached. This cannot be allowed. We need to put proper licensing in place so nobody can buy a horse in the Smithfield market for €50 and have the animal abused and mistreated. I'm sorry but anyone looking to own a horse with no land of there own to put the horse should not be allowed own a horse. This is not an invasion of someones rights its to protect the rights of the horse. No settled respectable person in society should argue against this.

Please, for the horse that was given this awful end give the names of these people to the authorities. I did a blog  while back related to the licensing on horses in Ireland:

I think i outlined in the blog above some recommendations for implementing licenses for horse ownership which i think would be beneficial to society and of course to the horses in question.

A lot of good people live in Tallaght, why did some of them have to go and do a sick thing like this, it makes me sick. Its sick and depraved. Some of the people who witnesses this and haven't come forward are accessory to a crime that is so sick it cant be allowed to happen. I also did a blog previously on general animal cruelty.

But for it to happen in Tallaght, where there are so many unlicensed horses is even worse to take. Why the Gardai (Police) and the ISPCA have not combed the area and confiscated ALL unlicensed horses makes me sick. Another example of a ridiculous government who cant control society or the animals which are being used for the psychologically twisted gains from certain sick members of society. I'm sure if there was a Common Sense Party in power, this would NOT happen.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Why clean tables after mcdonalds

Why clean your table after mcdonalds

There seems to be a stigma associated with not cleaning up your table after eating in at a mcdonalds. I don't regularly frequent the conglomerate monster that it is but I am guilty of popping in every so often to treat myself on an unhealthy snack just like I eat the very odd packet of crisps. But one thing I can't understand is why people insist on cleaning their tables after they eat. I understand that it's a courtesy thing if someone is actually waiting to sit down at your table and it's incredibly busy but that's what staff is for. If McDonald's don't have enough staff to make sure sll the tables are clean then they need to hire more staff. McDonald's don't care about you so why help them by saving them money and time. They wouldn't wee on you if you were on fire. They give us food laced with msg and meat that's not fit for a dog. 

What should we do

We should take a stand and stop cleaning the tables after us. The staff should be on hand to do that and if they don't do it then they need to hire different staff that will actually do their jobs. Even if it's completely busy just leave it for the staff, eventually they will have to hire more staff therefore you will be helping the local community with a few more jobs available. To be fair though I've been to lots of fast food places and I have to say that people tend to leave their tables messy in other places but clean up after themselves in mcdonalds. If your going to  clean up in McDonald's then please clean up everywhere you go. 

It's like we all have a built in respect for big multinationals as if it was somehow programmed into us... Maybe we are being programmed who knows.

It's just something I can't quite understand. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Leave Syria Alone

Leave Syria Alone

Why is America pushing the Syria Agenda as far as it can possibly go. Why does America frantically want to go to war with Syria. Why are its allies trying to enter into the country? To most people it just doesn't seem right. It seems that its just too much too soon. Nobody seems to know the real reasons that America does want this so passionately. Maybe there's some other, more sinister intent to all of this. Have a look at this video:

So why are the people over Obama getting him to sin such an order. Well maybe its for America and its allies to seize control of yet another middle east country. If they control Syria then that leaves only Iran as the main opponents of the West. When America eventually take Iran then America and its allies are facing China and Russia. Then what happens? More than likely World War 3.

Some elites make a lot of money from wars. When war is on the horizon share prices in weapons companies shoot up. So these people cant lose out. They are the same people who control the politicians and the countries threatening war. When the resources of a country are "controlled", the countries who "invade" the country in "trouble" ends up profiteering greatly from the resource they now control.


The media covering this whole charade of "chemical weapons" should be ashamed of itself. Especially the news i watch, UK news and Ireland news. They are literally refusing to show anything which is said in favour of Assad. Its propaganda in its worst form. Its scandalous. The producers and editors of the Irish and English news should hold their heads down in shame as they are puppets for the American regime and they are partly to blame for the amount of lives which will be lost in this conflict.

Did America hep in the Past?

Have they, and we not learned from the last few wars?
Iraq: The war with Iraq was completely illegal. Bush should be tried with war crimes. There was no weapons of mass destruction, none. What a ridiculous oopsy with stupendous proportions. Iraq is now completely destroyed as a country and will never be back to "normal". Even if normal was run by a dictator it was a lot better than it is now. And Saddam was only classed as a dictator when he stopped doing favours for the Americans. Iran-Contra for example. Also the drilling into Kuwait.

Libya: Gadaffis own people hailed him as a hero. They loved him. He wrote the book on democracy. He gave free electricity to his people Gave them a grant to buy there own family home because he believed every family deserved their own home. He was orchestrated as a dictator when he decided not to do favours with America anymore. What he did was sign his own death warrant by telling America they have to buy Libyan gold with gold bullion. They were previously paying for it with printed US dollars.

What a complete waste of time and energy. Going to war in a desert where nobody could be found.

The list goes on and on and these pointless wars, or occupations must stop. How about trying to stop current occupations going on as we speak. Like Palestine for example. Where is America for this war against the people of Palestine. Palestine is nearly gone now compared to what it once was because of occupation.

I think the majority of the word wants America to stay put and not to get involved in yet another "conflict", Politicians must unite just like the UK parliament and say NO to this.

The chemical attack on Syria looks like a false flag terrorist attack. See this explaining Ron Pauls view:

Its up to us, the people with common sense to stop these warmongers in their tracks.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Cowboy and Indian films. Why glorify a bad thing?

Cowboy and Indian films. Why glorify a bad thing?


It beggars belief that people can watch a load of cowboys shooting native Indians and taking their land. Why has this ideology been glorified in hundreds, if not thousands of films? I think its part propaganda to instill into modern people that cowboys were the good guys and Indians were the bad guys. All the Indians were doing were trying to protect their own land. Of course their going to protect it by whatever means they could. The means in this case was bow and arrows and shouting I, I, I, I.... I, I, I, I. I'm sure in real life they were saying much more meaningful things but in the movies they were saying nothing but gibberish. Making the native Indians seem lacking in intelligence. But, somehow the movie industry, particularly Hollywood managed to pull off the best, propaganda genre in movie history. The poor Indian people. Imagine how they must have felt having to leave all that they knew. A bit like a current colonization ongoing at the minute but that for another day.

The Truth Behind the Cowboys:

The cowboys of old were not actually American, like they show in the movies. They were the Spanish coming all the way over from Europe to take over America. They did it easily and successfully... with guns giving the natives little or no choice other than to surrender. But surrender, no they didn't let them surrender. They slaughtered them, raped their women and had no mercy. It was a genocide of enormous scale. Check this link:

Cowboys in current America came in from Mexico where they had skills including ranching. It was old day colonization and thats it really. So, next time your watching a cowboy and Indian movie just think who the real heros are. Its not John Wayne, its the guys on the horses shouting I, I, I, I while trying to save their families and land.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Aspartame. The toxic sweetener.

With the world now gone health crazy all of a sudden we are now obsessed with reducing the amounts of "bad for you" ingredients like sugar.

Yes as it's completely normal to care about your health and well being we have to be careful about substitutes we are using instead of these ingredients. People are now still trying to have the same tasting products by using synthetically made alternatives that have not been publicly tested for any ill-effects from their use. 

The substitute manufactures are using instead of sugar is a synthetically made compound called aspartame. Aspartame from my reading is actually toxic to humans and was created as a brain neutraliser in lobotomies. 

Some other mainstream information shows aspartame as always being surrounded by controversy since its release for human consumption. 

The following is taken from Wikipedia. 

In 1996, the controversy reached a wider audience with a 60 Minutes report[1] that discussed criticisms of the FDA approval process and concerns that aspartame could cause brain tumors in humans. The 60 Minutes special stated that "aspartame's approval was one of the most contested in FDA history."[1]

Here's a link to the full article:

It's amazing to think that something so shrouded in controversy has been allowed to be mass marketed to the entire world. It's hard to find a drink now without this chemical added. Nobody apparently knows the true health issues of this chemical but what scientists will all tell is that they all know that it is definitely NOT good for you. They will also say that yes it's  bad for you but not officially classified. 

Also taken from the Wikipedia article is this:

 "The Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center of the European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences has released several studies which claim that aspartame can increase several malignancies in rodents, concluding that aspartame is a potential carcinogen at normal dietary doses."

The following article outlines that 6 former HHS employees were involved in aspartame approval. Now if that doesn't send alarm bells ringing I don't know what will. The HHS stands for Health and Human services. Doesn't look like their doing a great job when the let chemicals like that out in the open for the masses.

Here's another great article:

A Detective Story of Corporate Fraud and Manipulation
"Sweet Misery includes many heartfelt conversations with aspartame victims, including one woman serving a prison sentence for poisoning her late husband, even though his health signs suggest aspartame may have been to blame.
You’ll also hear from medical experts, including Dr. Russell Blaylock, a renowned neurosurgeon, who explain why aspartame acts as a poison to your brain and body.
But perhaps the most riveting aspect of the film is the evidence showing the extensive corporate fraud and manipulation that lead to aspartame's approval. The film has archival footage from G.D. Searle, the producer of aspartame, and federal officials describing the extensive propaganda used to push aspartame on the market.
Additionally, dialogue from a former US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigator also detailing the manipulation that took place to get this chemical approved will leave you with the "big picture" of conspiracy and even criminal negligence surrounding this popular artificial sweetener. There’s even an exchange described with Donald Rumsfeld, who was the CEO of Searle and, at the same time, part of Reagan's transition team when the FDA's board of inquiry was overruled to allow the marketing of aspartame as a food additive. Prior to this time, aspartame was unanimously rejected by the FDA because the scientific data just did not support it as a safe product."
There's also a great video on that website article too. It's on for 90 mins and gets into a lot of details.
Think it's time to get out the real sugar products but just cut down on it. Think about it thoroughly before you buy any products with chemical  substitutes. Think what the possible ill-effects could be. Has it been fully tested and approved by numerous bodies. How long is it on the market, if it's a relatively new product maybe you should refrain from it as even if products have been vigorously tested it can still harm in the long term. Should you be putting chemicals in your body which were made in a lab? Would it be better to stick to natural ingredients? 
Think about it before you consume or let your children consume products that are more than likely going to do serious harm to you in the long term. Don't have that attitude; "sure if its in the shops it must be safe." It's the wrong way to think. Supermarkets want to make money so they will sell the "in thing" at the time. People working in testing labs, when offered a return will gladly approve a product provided they are shielded from any possible future allegations of corruption. 
Here's a really good article on aspartame and how it became mainstream. You can see the power people behind getting it approved. Donald Rumsfeld, Monsanto among other parties have helped this dangerous chemical become one of the most potentially dangerous chemicals around which is allowed onto nearly every shelf around the world.
So the patent for aspartame was from Donald rumsfelds company at the time GD searle. Then Monsanto bought this company. Monsanto, is that not the company who has a monopoly over nearly every genetically modified piece of corn on the planet? Are Monsanto not the company to blame for Agent Orange? Are Monsanto not the company who recently lobbied and received a court order called the Monsanto protection act. This act stops anybody being able to sue them now or in the future for any possible ill-effects from the consumption of their products. See an article on this here:

Well I know ill be reading every label I can now to avoid anything git to do with aspartame. Its poison. Stick to natural foods but just cut back on the natural food that you know is not healthy. Put your middle finger up to these corporations and stop buying their poisons.
Remember natural is best. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

No license required for owning a horse in Ireland

No license required for owning a horse in Ireland

What on earth are the lawmakers in Ireland thinking? You need a license to own a TV, a Dog license, a car, motorbike, vehicle licenses but you don't need a license to own a horse in Ireland. This is an absolute disgrace. We have underprivileged areas in Ireland littered with horses. In most cases these horses are malnourished, badly treated and emaciated.

It does not make an ounce of sense for a 15 year old boy going to Smithfield in Dublin and purchasing any horse they have the money for. No real legislation involved at all. Most of these horses end up being left tied up, hungry, emaciated and left living a horrible life. People, including lawmakers should finally put an end to this un-managed area of society. They say that you need a license to have a horse in a controlled area. But are all those areas of the side of the road beside halting sites "controlled areas" and do these people have licenses for the horses. I see horses on the side of roads all the time, surely the police see the same animals and don't seem to be taking the animals away from the people who leave them there.

The argument

The argument the other side is that its part of Irish peoples heritage is to have the right to own a horse. Yes, that's OK in a civilization that doesn't have cars. We have to move with the times. Its not right to keep a horse in conditions like the above. Its time to change the laws to be modern in line with everything else.

What should happen now:

Completely overhaul the situation. Enforce licensing. Every horse must have a minimum area of open grassland to stay in. Access to food and water 24 hours. Access to a stable. Proper horse experts should have a roll in ruling the requirements for "owning" a horse. All horses kept in conditions other than aid out in the licensing should automatically be taken into the care of people who can actually look after them.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Increase sentencing for hard criminals

Increase Sentencing for certain crimes. It makes sense. Common Sense. 

For too long now we have been hearing of crimes that seem to go practically unpunished when the perpetrators are found guilty. Rape, Murder, Assault, Theft charges all seem to be getting lesser and lesser penalties. Where other crime like not paying back a mortgage or white collar crime perpetrators get the book thrown at them. Why is this? I think the answer is simple, its because the people committing the white collar crime are hitting the very wealthy more than the murderers and the rapists. The people who make the laws don't have to face the public like normal people. They only get to read about them in the news or radio. They don't go to normal pubs, clubs or even hospitals or schools. So standard person to person crime doesn't really effect them.

When a white collar criminal is caught, they get the book thrown at them because they are more then likely affecting the pockets of the people who are in the higher tiers of society. Like bankers, if someone rips off a bank, the banks shareholders get annoyed. And, who are the banks shareholders? It other bankers, politicians, doctors, lawyers, solicitors, and other upper class people. One of the people i mentioned are politicians. These guys can, and are changing laws to make white collar crime even more punishable. While the murderers and the rapists are getting a little slap on the wrist. Vested interests are to blame. Most humans by nature will look after themselves first and foremost. Unfortunately we live in a society where most of these types of humans are in some of the top positions in society who make the laws, deal out the penalties, control government, etc.

The only solution to this is common sense. Society is being destroyed by the gap between the middle  class and the upper class getting bigger and bigger. So much so that soon the gap will be too large to claw back. A new system is needed. The current system is broke, and the justice system is only a small part of the overall broken picture. Nearly every section of society is broke due to the same reasons, vested interests.

Common Sense Rules.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

WIFI - Harmful to your health - May cause cancer

WIFI - Harmful to your health - May cause cancer

What could be wrong with WIFI?/ Common sense people!!!

I was always wondering if all them invisible electric currents could have some ill-effects to the human body. My take on it is that it has to have effects on the body. think about it, we are connecting to the internet through the air. so we have electricity and radiation all throughout our homes, schools hospital and out there in the open. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to understand the effects this can have on the human body.

Now im not an expert on this field but like a lot of other people i have common sense. Here's my take on it.

WiFi is the standard for receiving wireless connectivity. A WiFi signal is a powerful, invisible energy that circulates a building, or an area and enables computers and devices to connect into it to gain access to the internet or trnsfer files from device to device. Now in an age where WiFi, Bluetooth, Mobile Phones, 3G, 4G is gaining momentum too quickly in my eyes its time to start looking into the possible ill effects of WiFi and wireless connections in general.

We now have too much wireless connectivity going on without any real research into the possible ill effects of it all. As i said im no expert but ill give you my take on it all.

WiFi connection hubs are normally connected to the internet through wires, whether its from your telephone box or by your satellite dish connecting into it using wires, in my case i have a standard telephone connected to an ethernet, then the ethernet connected my a wireless router. Although i hve since removed the wireless router and connect now straight into the ethernet.

So depending on the strength of the connection energy is continuously given out in a given area so people can connect into it. What issues can this have on the human body? Well, common sense would tell you that if you were to sit beside a strong WiFi current for a long time daily it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that your body would see signs of problems.

Imagine, this wireless energy is powerful enough to download huge files through thin air in the matter of minutes. if your body gets in the way of this it manages to cut right through your body just to get to that other device. the more powerful the connection the more chance of it doing more damage. Your body is a bunch of cells, nerve endings and electricity. These radio frequency signals can adversely damage the way your body works. It doesn't nothing but effect your bodies natural rhythm. The more powerful the signal the worse damage its going to do.

I was actually shocked lately to hear that the WHO (World Health Organization) recently came out and said that there could be a link with WiFi and cancer.

Thats not the only ariticle on the link all you have to do it  quick search and lots, and lots of articles show even more links with WiFi and cancer. Actally, the article above is an example of stupidity. The WHO say that theres a link. Then the Canadian National public health department says they wont stop rolling out WiFi as there is still no actual proof lining them together. Come on Canada, if theres any doubt whatsoever then you should stop it immediately. If the World Health Organisation say something, then its time to stop rolling out until nmerous long term testing is done to the possible issues.

As i already said, i think there is a definite link to health problems in the continued use and upgrading of wireless technologies. So its time to stop increasing speeds, stop  bringing out new technologies and do some real testing.

This is going to be another example of "oh, well maybe we should have done some testing on this", we all know about products which have been launched in the past, without proper testing that have caused devastating effects on humans. Its time to stop being used as test guinea pigs.

Ill eave yo with the following taken from the British Telegraph:

"The World Health Organisation, which has examined the topic in depth, says: ""In the area of biological effects and medical applications of non-ionizing radiation approximately 25,000 articles have been published over the past 30 years. Despite the feeling of some people that more research needs to be done, scientific knowledge in this area is now more extensive than for most chemicals. Based on a recent in-depth review of the scientific literature, the WHO concluded that current evidence does not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields. However, some gaps in knowledge about biological effects exist and need further research.""

The main gap appears to be the potential impact on children using mobile phones for more than 10 years. (Children are more susceptible to radiation than adults, and problems may take decades to appear.)"

Have Common Sense People.