Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Aspartame. The toxic sweetener.

With the world now gone health crazy all of a sudden we are now obsessed with reducing the amounts of "bad for you" ingredients like sugar.

Yes as it's completely normal to care about your health and well being we have to be careful about substitutes we are using instead of these ingredients. People are now still trying to have the same tasting products by using synthetically made alternatives that have not been publicly tested for any ill-effects from their use. 

The substitute manufactures are using instead of sugar is a synthetically made compound called aspartame. Aspartame from my reading is actually toxic to humans and was created as a brain neutraliser in lobotomies. 

Some other mainstream information shows aspartame as always being surrounded by controversy since its release for human consumption. 

The following is taken from Wikipedia. 

In 1996, the controversy reached a wider audience with a 60 Minutes report[1] that discussed criticisms of the FDA approval process and concerns that aspartame could cause brain tumors in humans. The 60 Minutes special stated that "aspartame's approval was one of the most contested in FDA history."[1]

Here's a link to the full article:

It's amazing to think that something so shrouded in controversy has been allowed to be mass marketed to the entire world. It's hard to find a drink now without this chemical added. Nobody apparently knows the true health issues of this chemical but what scientists will all tell is that they all know that it is definitely NOT good for you. They will also say that yes it's  bad for you but not officially classified. 

Also taken from the Wikipedia article is this:

 "The Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center of the European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences has released several studies which claim that aspartame can increase several malignancies in rodents, concluding that aspartame is a potential carcinogen at normal dietary doses."

The following article outlines that 6 former HHS employees were involved in aspartame approval. Now if that doesn't send alarm bells ringing I don't know what will. The HHS stands for Health and Human services. Doesn't look like their doing a great job when the let chemicals like that out in the open for the masses.

Here's another great article:

A Detective Story of Corporate Fraud and Manipulation
"Sweet Misery includes many heartfelt conversations with aspartame victims, including one woman serving a prison sentence for poisoning her late husband, even though his health signs suggest aspartame may have been to blame.
You’ll also hear from medical experts, including Dr. Russell Blaylock, a renowned neurosurgeon, who explain why aspartame acts as a poison to your brain and body.
But perhaps the most riveting aspect of the film is the evidence showing the extensive corporate fraud and manipulation that lead to aspartame's approval. The film has archival footage from G.D. Searle, the producer of aspartame, and federal officials describing the extensive propaganda used to push aspartame on the market.
Additionally, dialogue from a former US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigator also detailing the manipulation that took place to get this chemical approved will leave you with the "big picture" of conspiracy and even criminal negligence surrounding this popular artificial sweetener. There’s even an exchange described with Donald Rumsfeld, who was the CEO of Searle and, at the same time, part of Reagan's transition team when the FDA's board of inquiry was overruled to allow the marketing of aspartame as a food additive. Prior to this time, aspartame was unanimously rejected by the FDA because the scientific data just did not support it as a safe product."
There's also a great video on that website article too. It's on for 90 mins and gets into a lot of details.
Think it's time to get out the real sugar products but just cut down on it. Think about it thoroughly before you buy any products with chemical  substitutes. Think what the possible ill-effects could be. Has it been fully tested and approved by numerous bodies. How long is it on the market, if it's a relatively new product maybe you should refrain from it as even if products have been vigorously tested it can still harm in the long term. Should you be putting chemicals in your body which were made in a lab? Would it be better to stick to natural ingredients? 
Think about it before you consume or let your children consume products that are more than likely going to do serious harm to you in the long term. Don't have that attitude; "sure if its in the shops it must be safe." It's the wrong way to think. Supermarkets want to make money so they will sell the "in thing" at the time. People working in testing labs, when offered a return will gladly approve a product provided they are shielded from any possible future allegations of corruption. 
Here's a really good article on aspartame and how it became mainstream. You can see the power people behind getting it approved. Donald Rumsfeld, Monsanto among other parties have helped this dangerous chemical become one of the most potentially dangerous chemicals around which is allowed onto nearly every shelf around the world.
So the patent for aspartame was from Donald rumsfelds company at the time GD searle. Then Monsanto bought this company. Monsanto, is that not the company who has a monopoly over nearly every genetically modified piece of corn on the planet? Are Monsanto not the company to blame for Agent Orange? Are Monsanto not the company who recently lobbied and received a court order called the Monsanto protection act. This act stops anybody being able to sue them now or in the future for any possible ill-effects from the consumption of their products. See an article on this here:

Well I know ill be reading every label I can now to avoid anything git to do with aspartame. Its poison. Stick to natural foods but just cut back on the natural food that you know is not healthy. Put your middle finger up to these corporations and stop buying their poisons.
Remember natural is best. 

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