Saturday, August 10, 2013

Cowboy and Indian films. Why glorify a bad thing?

Cowboy and Indian films. Why glorify a bad thing?


It beggars belief that people can watch a load of cowboys shooting native Indians and taking their land. Why has this ideology been glorified in hundreds, if not thousands of films? I think its part propaganda to instill into modern people that cowboys were the good guys and Indians were the bad guys. All the Indians were doing were trying to protect their own land. Of course their going to protect it by whatever means they could. The means in this case was bow and arrows and shouting I, I, I, I.... I, I, I, I. I'm sure in real life they were saying much more meaningful things but in the movies they were saying nothing but gibberish. Making the native Indians seem lacking in intelligence. But, somehow the movie industry, particularly Hollywood managed to pull off the best, propaganda genre in movie history. The poor Indian people. Imagine how they must have felt having to leave all that they knew. A bit like a current colonization ongoing at the minute but that for another day.

The Truth Behind the Cowboys:

The cowboys of old were not actually American, like they show in the movies. They were the Spanish coming all the way over from Europe to take over America. They did it easily and successfully... with guns giving the natives little or no choice other than to surrender. But surrender, no they didn't let them surrender. They slaughtered them, raped their women and had no mercy. It was a genocide of enormous scale. Check this link:

Cowboys in current America came in from Mexico where they had skills including ranching. It was old day colonization and thats it really. So, next time your watching a cowboy and Indian movie just think who the real heros are. Its not John Wayne, its the guys on the horses shouting I, I, I, I while trying to save their families and land.

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