Saturday, June 22, 2013

Increase sentencing for hard criminals

Increase Sentencing for certain crimes. It makes sense. Common Sense. 

For too long now we have been hearing of crimes that seem to go practically unpunished when the perpetrators are found guilty. Rape, Murder, Assault, Theft charges all seem to be getting lesser and lesser penalties. Where other crime like not paying back a mortgage or white collar crime perpetrators get the book thrown at them. Why is this? I think the answer is simple, its because the people committing the white collar crime are hitting the very wealthy more than the murderers and the rapists. The people who make the laws don't have to face the public like normal people. They only get to read about them in the news or radio. They don't go to normal pubs, clubs or even hospitals or schools. So standard person to person crime doesn't really effect them.

When a white collar criminal is caught, they get the book thrown at them because they are more then likely affecting the pockets of the people who are in the higher tiers of society. Like bankers, if someone rips off a bank, the banks shareholders get annoyed. And, who are the banks shareholders? It other bankers, politicians, doctors, lawyers, solicitors, and other upper class people. One of the people i mentioned are politicians. These guys can, and are changing laws to make white collar crime even more punishable. While the murderers and the rapists are getting a little slap on the wrist. Vested interests are to blame. Most humans by nature will look after themselves first and foremost. Unfortunately we live in a society where most of these types of humans are in some of the top positions in society who make the laws, deal out the penalties, control government, etc.

The only solution to this is common sense. Society is being destroyed by the gap between the middle  class and the upper class getting bigger and bigger. So much so that soon the gap will be too large to claw back. A new system is needed. The current system is broke, and the justice system is only a small part of the overall broken picture. Nearly every section of society is broke due to the same reasons, vested interests.

Common Sense Rules.

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