Monday, December 16, 2013

Horse burned to death in Tallaght, Dublin

Horse burned to death in Tallaght, Dublin

 What sort of sick bastards do we have in our society. To not just harm a defenseless animal such as a beautiful horse but to kill one in such sick fashion. The people who are responsible for this barbaric, cowardly act need to pay a very high price. These people need to be hung, drawn and quartered like in the olden days. There should be no mercy spared for these sick examples of people. When i read something as horrifying as this is makes me sad and embarrassed to be a human. These mantally sick people have a serious problem. 

A “number of young people” are believed to have been involved, and the DSPCA is urging a key witness to come forward.

So far up to my reading of this NO man or woman has come forward as a witness. Now i am asking why the legislation on owning a horse in this country is still so lenient. This should wake the country up and the ISPCA (Irish Society of the Protection of Cruelty to Animals). Although i believe the majority of the work they do is good i know the level the government play in what they ISPCA are allowed to do needs to be addressed, quickly. Also the ISPCA need to lobby more for direction in the Dail (Irish Parliament) instead of only going by current practice. They should push the boundaries further and further until animals in this country have the right protection from barbarians such as this.

 Have a read of the following Irish Independent article on the original story:

This really boils me up. If anyone knows the names of the culprits please send them to me as they need to be reported. I remember when i was a teenager a traveler was hitting a horse very inhumanely until myself and a friend intervened and requested the older traveler boy to refrain from mistreating the horse. Luckily for him he did but the abuse we witnessed first hand is only a small example of what happens on a daily basis in our society. A society where we allow people to own such a beautiful creature with very little legislation attached. This cannot be allowed. We need to put proper licensing in place so nobody can buy a horse in the Smithfield market for €50 and have the animal abused and mistreated. I'm sorry but anyone looking to own a horse with no land of there own to put the horse should not be allowed own a horse. This is not an invasion of someones rights its to protect the rights of the horse. No settled respectable person in society should argue against this.

Please, for the horse that was given this awful end give the names of these people to the authorities. I did a blog  while back related to the licensing on horses in Ireland:

I think i outlined in the blog above some recommendations for implementing licenses for horse ownership which i think would be beneficial to society and of course to the horses in question.

A lot of good people live in Tallaght, why did some of them have to go and do a sick thing like this, it makes me sick. Its sick and depraved. Some of the people who witnesses this and haven't come forward are accessory to a crime that is so sick it cant be allowed to happen. I also did a blog previously on general animal cruelty.

But for it to happen in Tallaght, where there are so many unlicensed horses is even worse to take. Why the Gardai (Police) and the ISPCA have not combed the area and confiscated ALL unlicensed horses makes me sick. Another example of a ridiculous government who cant control society or the animals which are being used for the psychologically twisted gains from certain sick members of society. I'm sure if there was a Common Sense Party in power, this would NOT happen.

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