Thursday, March 9, 2017

Liberals are angry fascists And puppets for the Globalists

Liberals are angry fascists

The western world has gone liberal crazy. Especially ireland it seems. All you ever hear on the radio, tv or our rediculous news stations talking about LGBT rights and issues, never allowing anyone to speak with an opposing view to liberalist overly political correctness. They give the LGBT community more airtime than literally everything. The other morning the first thing they had on a major ireland radio channel was a strange young man who was only about 19 and was convinced he is a girl trapped in a boys body and was going through hormone therapy in preparation for the full operation. The presenter of the show was afraid to tell the lad that he needed help. It was basically a show promoting a YouTube clip the chap made about the issues facing guys like him who think they are women. I noticed the same confused lad was also on a news website that morning so i had to click the video to see what it was about. I lasted about 2 minutes through a 20 minute video because all the lad was talking about was what he thought other people thought when they meet him. It was full of obscenities and was completely disgusting. "My boss looked at me and i knew what he was thinking, he wanted to f*ck me"...."he wanted to do me up my ***"... you get the idea, sick, disgusting, depraved.

Why are we giving people with mental difficulties so much airtime. Airtime has the ability to confuse the young people who are unfortunate to listen to such brainwashing drivel.

Why has the western world gotten so liberal to allow such crap to spew into the minds of our young?

There are lobby groups who are pumping millions into this LGBT movement. This aggressive movement will stop at nothing until it gets what it wants. They are pushing for marriage rights, rights to adopt children, rights to have more rights than normal people. And yes i said normal people because we all know that the practise of homosexuality is NOT normal and an challenge anyone on this because its true. A butt is for stuff to come out, not in, so soak that in for a while and think about it. It's a perverse, depraved act. By all means allow people to act out their sexual fantasies all they want in private don't give it airtime as if its normal like to people falling in love. Of course 2 of the same sex people can fall in love but lets just leave them be and not ask them to go on the radio to tell the world about their story.

Liberalism has become this tool for the democrats in America. It's more than likely a tool to create a world of anarchy in order for 'Order over Chaos', just like the huge influx of immigration into Europe and women's rights. It's all to take the attention away from the Globalists agenda.

The airtime we are giving LGBT people all over the world is for an agenda and if you think otherwise you are pretty gullible.

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