Saturday, September 26, 2015


Please don't eat crab meat:

The main reason you should not eat crab meat is because of the amount of meat you get from a fully grown crab. It's absolutely rediculous that a crab with a main body she'll measuring 5 inches will get you about a tablespoon of meat. It's a complete waste of a life. Eating crab meat is wholly cruel. They are magnificent creatures from our seas which are being overfished and most of the time wasted. 

Please don't waste a crabs life, leave these beautiful crustaceans roam our seas in peace.

The reason why I'm writing this post is because I bought a 5 inch top shell crab, typical Irish crab in size and went to fillet it and was shocked to see the top she'll has absolutely no meat inside. It just had an incredibly vile smelling lungs and brain. The only meat was in its claws. It took me about half an hour and felt like a butcher in an abattoir just to get the most measly little piece of crab meat. Felt totally guilty too.

Moral of the story don't eat crab meat and pass the word on that there's no reason to kill a crab just for a tablespoon of meat at best.

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