Saturday, September 26, 2015


Please don't eat crab meat:

The main reason you should not eat crab meat is because of the amount of meat you get from a fully grown crab. It's absolutely rediculous that a crab with a main body she'll measuring 5 inches will get you about a tablespoon of meat. It's a complete waste of a life. Eating crab meat is wholly cruel. They are magnificent creatures from our seas which are being overfished and most of the time wasted. 

Please don't waste a crabs life, leave these beautiful crustaceans roam our seas in peace.

The reason why I'm writing this post is because I bought a 5 inch top shell crab, typical Irish crab in size and went to fillet it and was shocked to see the top she'll has absolutely no meat inside. It just had an incredibly vile smelling lungs and brain. The only meat was in its claws. It took me about half an hour and felt like a butcher in an abattoir just to get the most measly little piece of crab meat. Felt totally guilty too.

Moral of the story don't eat crab meat and pass the word on that there's no reason to kill a crab just for a tablespoon of meat at best.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Why I voted NO in the marriage referendum

Ireland had a referendum on same sex marriage in May 2015. This was a complete farce and a waste of resources, money and was a brain melt and a complete divide up of a country. The results of the referendum was a unanimous yes verdict to homosexual marriage. 
The results of the yes side mean that same sex couples in ireland can now marry in ireland and have the exact same rights as normal married couples. First of all I'd like to ask how this referendum even came about in the first place? Only 3 years ago ireland unveiled the new civil partnership bill. This effectively allowed same sex couple to tie the knot and be respected for that. They could effectively marry, they had the same entitlements as a married couple. Even application forms were changed to allow marital status “civil partner”. This was a major change but was still not good enough. They wanted more so the gay groups started lobbying immediately for same sex marriage. It was actually predictable that as soon as they have a civil partner bill they hunt for the higher title of being married. Again I'll point out that civil partnerships and marriage have the exact same rights as one another. The only main difference is that married couples have the right to procreate and have a real family of their own. The reason why the constitution was to be changed was because before the referendum procreation in the constitution was to be between a man and a woman. Now since this was passed any couple can be married and be able to procreate. Now you may ask how the hell can a gay couple procreate? Simple answer is they can't but that's not going to stop them from trying. How they can try is by surrogacy. In this situation a woman, probably poor and needs the funding gets her egg fertilised by for example one of the gay men. She then passes on her fertilised egg to another female donar who will carry the egg for the next 9 months. Then hand it over to the new “married” couple when the child is born. Then the child and the 2 gay parents would be an official family. Weird eh? Well not according to the American corporation who will be setting up surrogates In ireland and making a lot of money. 

This agenda has been fiercely aggressive from the get go. Groups on the ground lobbied hard for the same sex marriage idea so successfully it was baffling. To get our government to speed this constitution change in was strange. Were they getting paid to get it through? Yes! Simple answer. Atlantic philanthropies was one of the main backers of the gay agenda, they fund millions per year to lobbyists to push for reform and government changes all over the globe. They pretend to be a charity but looking over their list of donates they seem to be heavily involved in agendas. 

Aggressive yes campaign: 
On a personal level the yes campaign was the most aggressive I have ever seen. There was posters and canvass boards and bill boards plastered around every city in ireland disturbingly high amounts just outside churches and schools. The no campaign had very little posters around and none around schools because they were just ripped down nearly as soon as they were put up. I had 2 people call in to my house pushing for a yes side. When I raised my points I would get an ignorant answer like “ sure it's only marriage” , if it's only marriage then why are you pushing for it so aggressively?
All the political parties said they were in favour of a yes vote. They were also very aggressive in there stance, belittling anyone voting no by saying they are against equality. 
Media channels were the worst, it was like they personally pushed for a yes campaign and forgot about being what they are meant to be which is impartial. One said newspaper I think it was the Irish times pleaded to its viewers for a Yes vote and even said themselves they are normally impartial to something like this but please vote yes. Disgraceful.
There wasn't one radio station even hinting to the no side. They would have only guests on speaking about how great a Yes vote would be. Even though none of their arguments merited reality, nothing set in stone as to how a yes campaign would be good for society as a whole. If the media radio station did have someone on the no side it would be a priest or someone who they know wouldn't be charismatic compared to the yes campaigner. 

So the Yes vote was bought. The aggressive campaign actually worked. On a personal level even Facebook was riddled with people voting yes and calling anyone voting no a bigot. There was no such thing as respecting other people's opinions. As a matter of fact it was downright bullying from the yes campaigners. If they could even sniff a no voter they would all huddle together and destroy the no voter calling them every insult under the sun. 

Some of their arguments actually made no sense. They would say that God would want this and Jesus has two fathers anyway. To even say suggest anything like this is total blasphemy and against God. Other arguments were asking what if your child was gay, wouldn't you like them to marry. My answer would be I would take that chance rather than change the constitution. And also even if I did have a gay child I wouldn't want it marrying a same sex person. I'd rather they did whatever gay couples did before, an underground marriage. It actually horrible now for parents that they might one day have to turn up to their child's wedding to a same sex individual.

The whole agenda was to allow same sex couples be called a family and to have surrogate children. Well they got what they wanted now all we have to do is sit back and watch society crumble up before us. Family values are now gone in ireland. The seeded sexually depraved gay scene has now been normalised. This just means one more worry for parents. There is a greater risk now than there ever has been that your child could become gay. After this referendum you can be sure that the number of gay people will rise exponentially.

Civil partnerships came about nearly at the same time the Irish church was attacked and practically destroyed by the media and our politicians. Enda Kenny demanded an apology from the pope for all the wrongs of the church. There was wrongs but did you apologies to the people for the fuck up of a decision to bail out the banks? Remember the magdalene laundries, you apologised to the people that were effected but only under duress. Only through other politicians in the dail pushing for the apology did it eventually come… with tears, crocodile tears, a laughable attempt of acting. The church was wrong to hide the facts about abuse but for our taoiseach to publicly demean the Catholic Church had major damaging effects to the people of ireland. From this led a huge anti church agenda and media outlets took hold and hammered the last few nails in the church coffin. Religion in ireland is now only hanging on by a thread and it's not looking good for them.

But because of this mass dislike of the church people are using this a reason to say yes to the marriage referendum. They feel it's like payback to the church. They are no longer religious so why not have gay sex, get full arm length tattoos and look like a goth. Don't go to church, don't even get your child christened. Just use church when you want. People are sinning just to “get back” at the church for all of its lies. People need to sit down and think, do they not believe in God anymore? If you have even the slightest belief then think about what He might be thinking now with all the shit going on in the country. Gay sex is now a normal act according to our constitution, this has now normalised what our God thinks is a despicable act. Sodomy is not allowed it's not natural and it's wrong and if you feel its right because the church thinks it's wrong then you'll have to face that on judgement day. 

The demons came out in full force to get this agenda passed. It's a degradation of our society. We are slaves to a corrupt system who want to keep us all uninformed, docile and stupid. What better way to do that than to let the demons prosper. 

By voting yes you were basically sticking your middle finger up to the heartbeat of what we are here for. And also sticking your finger up to normality and also sticking your finger up to religion and God. This will have major repercussions. We should have just left our constitution the way it was. There are people behind this agenda who are disgusting individuals pushing money in to break society up. It's not about homophobia. As a matter of fact ireland is very accepting of gays and I have not seen any evidence of homophobia since I was at school and even then it was just name calling with no real hurting. It was generally be a generic slag term just like gobshite etc. now all of a sudden this marriage referendum was about not being or being homophobic which was just more spin. So homophobia rarely exists in ireland so why bother with the referendum and change to our constitution, why normalise it?

Well it's done now and they got what they wanted. Now it's a fashion to be gay it's just normal so why not. Now lads will be asking there mates if they scored. Yes the scored all right but was it with the same sex? Could this be something to be proud of? We shall see. 

Now that it's officially normalised will our own children be sneaking home a same sex person to their room? Will young people turn gay just because they are confused. Yes they certainly will. Sure if it's normal to marry same sex surely it's ok to have sex with your friends, same sex or not.

Sure now that it's normal what's next? I can only imagine.

I'm worried for our children. What about the children being raised by same sex people? How will they be affected? One Facebook yes campaigner queried would it not be better for a child to grow up with 2 same sex parents rather than a dysfunctional heterosexual family? I had to laugh at that disgusting vagueness. Firstly was he trying to say that all same sex couples are not dysfunctional? Secondly ask a child what they would prefer and I think they would take the chance with the hetero dysfunctional family over the gay dysfunctional family ANY day.
I heard other arguments that a child doesn't care who raises them once they are in a loving family. But did anyone ever think about the child in this, how they won't have a bond with a mother or father, having 2 fathers or 2 mothers will leave the child unable to bond with adults of the opposite sex to their own parents. It would be a social awkwardness. Studies show that a child who grows up in a same sex couple relationships is more likely to grow up gay themselves. 

This is a really bad idea. Same sex couples adoptions or having surrogate children. What happens if the child is being mistreated? What if 2 fathers in the situation don't know how to look after the child. Social services would have to get involved and then it's another problem. How can they take the child without looking discriminatory? This will be another issue which has not been thought through.

This referendum was another selfish act from the homosexual community. Homosexuals have always been attention seekers and generally want to world to know their orientation, hence the whole pride thing but to see the power they have right in front of our own eyes is worrying. Getting our constitution changed in their favour with such backing behind them is shocking.

Well they did it the right way, even if I don't agree with it the sheer power behind them was unbelievable. Media, radio, TV, politicians, celebrities, social media, posters, billboards, you name it they had it. 

As I said before I don't have anything against anyone. Whatever they do behind closed doors is fine, just don't rub my nose in it and keep it to yourself. Now with the yes vote they won't be keeping it to themselves. It's like a haha we got what we wanted and we won't stop there. Being gay now is like a secret society that's no longer secret. It's now a political party ready to engage and lobby. There's now going to be more and more political figures coming out and more coming into politics. And why not, if they can use there aggressive ideologies on a daily basis they'll continue pushing through their agendas.

Joe Biden came out and said he's delighted ireland voted yes for equality. When he says something like that you know it has agenda written all over it. It's a success story for zionists who believes in divide and concur. Zionists want to destroy the very essence of family values, to dilute the very meaning of family. To build hatred among communities and to flood immigrants into countries increasing crime levels, own the media, keep the population docile and stupid, treating them like cattle or goyem. Creating a nation of slaves, lose belief in all religion, give us the crap food while they eat the kosher, push the idea of paganism onto the people though media, pushing the idea of body tattoos and piercings all of which are pagan and rituals we do to ourselves. Marking our bodies taking away all there is natural about ourselves. We are being taken over by demons and this marriage rights referendum is part of that and all the people who aggressively promoted the yes side don't realise it yet but were acting on behalf of the demons controlling our country and people. What the zionists would love to see is a nation of all races and colours, freedom to do what you want, commit crimes with little or no punishment, rape, pillage, same sex or bisexual orgies, the people too busy with porn and reality TV to care that they are economic slaves to the system. 

It's sad to see that we have succumbed to what the zionists wanted from us. The media making us believe that gay sex is ok, tattoos are ok, sinning is fine, religion is nonsense, party all night and have sex with whoever you want, being  atheist is fashionable, immigration is good for our economy, porn is heathy, etc. it's a scourge to society and we are part of it. We are acting for the demons. If God was to reappear what would he think? Are we all Devils disciples because that's what it looks like if you really think about it. 
Look at the entire country and the current situation. This referendum was introduced while ireland is in its biggest ever recession ever (its actually a depression but the powers to be avoid using this term) . We have more people leaving the country now than we had in the famine. We have massive influx of refugees and asylum seekers who are nearly always granted asylum. And with new asylum application being steamrolled the process is even easier and quicker now. Hospitals are past crisis point with fewer beds available than ever before with old people lying on stretchers for weeks on end before they get a bed. Systematic abuse of powers from government buildings, cronyism, nepotism and 
Jobs for the boys worse than it has ever been. Now this marriage referendum somehow gets slotted in between all of this. Interesting timing if I do say so myself. Was it a smoke screen to take the attention of the badly run country or was the LBGT lobbying groups hitting us while we are already down? I'm not sure but it was badly timed and completely not needed. I just hope the affects on people won't be too great but I'm nearly sure that the passing of this referendum is only a bad thing.

Some links and sources:

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Garmin products are terrible

I have to write a bog about a terrible brand I think consumers should know about. Well considering I named it in the title I think you might guess correctly... Garmin. 
I first gave garmin a chance a long time ago to buy my first ever satellite navigation system, at the time there wasn't much to choose from on the high street, the other choice was Tomtom. I went for the garmin because it was a lot cheaper. It didn't take me long to realise how shit it was. The maps were completely outdated and it asked me numerous times to drive off a friggin bridge and though a field. Everything about it was SHIT, battery life crap, couldn't take a memory card. It also has a weird twist stick on the front that was just the worst thing in the world to use. You had to twist the stick until you got to the letter you required, bearing in mind writing an address would take you a long time, then the worst part of it was it nearly always said "unknown address, please enter correct address", it was the correct address you stupid bastard. After about 5 attempts and a half an hour later I would enter the village, when it didn't know the feckin village name I'd try the town, only sometimes it would know the town. How fucking stupid do garmin sound? And they were the good bits... Seriously the worst part of it was the update software. Because all of the maps were shit I wanted to take advantage of the first 3 months you have the option of updating your maps for free. OMG WITHA CAPITAL FUCK YOU TO GARMIN, the update process was the worst encounter with an update I've ever had to endure, except for updating the garmin 405 running watch which I'll get to in a bit. It was a case of registration which wasn't straight forward with having to add the model no and a code then sync it with the device which actually didn't happen after 2 hours of trying I gave up. I then threw the sat nav at someone for free, they have never spoke to me since and have had a nervous breakdown and lost his business and family... All because of garmin.

I then went sat nav free for nearly 2 whole years, but duty called and I was back in the market for a good one. There was lots to choose from at this stage but like a complete idiot I bought a new Garmin sat nav, can't remember the model no but it was a touch screen and the shop assistant said they have come a long way since the crap I bought. When I set it up yes there was better features and it was slightly easier to use but it still couldn't find a lot of address and its so annoying the way if you start typing in an address if the rest of the address doesn't show up the it won't be able to find the place, it's stupid you end up being brought to the nearest area it knows but that could be a different estate up the road from where you want to go. Also the sync options were shit too on the PC, again you need to be a software engineer for the CIA to understand it all. Overall it wasn't much better than the 1st one I got and it seems Garmins products are all laden with issues and connectivity problems.

Also important to note is that when I purchased the 2 above sat navs, Tomtoms sat navs had lifetime free map updates and they were meant to be much, much better at absolutely everything.

Finally like a crazy ass idiot and a glutton for punishment I bought another Garmin, a running watch the Garmin 405. This was another piece of shit that I bought because my brother recommended it. I'll quickly write the good points and the bad points

looks ok
Cheap enough
Accurate enough

Battery life shit
Takes ages to get GPS signal
Stupid outside of screen surround is touch screen and goes nuts in the wet, like rain etc
Touch screen is impossible to use while running, or even staying still
Setting up garmin connect is a nightmare
No Bluetooth in the watch

I will never, ever buy another Garmin product again, even if they changed their logo to have a little triangle on the top, what's that all about. 

I went and treated myself with a new running watch, a Tomtom and it's BRILLIANT, if it wasn't for all my Garmin problems I'd find some issues with the Tomtom but for the moment I'm just enjoying syncing easily, getting ultra quick GPS connection and it looks and feels like a quality product. Garmin you need to look at what Tomtom are doing and just copy them, or else just close down, yeah I prefer the latter option.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Same sex marriage referendum in Ireland very propagandist

In a few weeks Ireland will be voting whether same sex marriage should be allowed and set up in the constitution as an acceptable married couple who will have the exact same rights as heterosexual married couples.

First of all I want to ask how and why this has even made it as far as a vote. At this present moment Ireland is in the worst economic recession ever in the history of the state, far worse than the 80s with huge issues on our doorstep. Our health service is gone to shambles with more people on hospital waiting beds needing emergency operations than ever before. We have corrupt bankers and Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael politicians who should have been sent to jail over the whole bailing out the banks fiasco. We have more homeless people on the street and people getting evicted from their family home by the same banks the people have bailed out. These hard working people are being thrown out of their houses and still have to pay the entire loan to the banks with no intervening from our corrupt government. We have mass emigration of our best and most educated students leaving the country to go find jobs. Unemployment rate, despite what our corrupt government say is at an all time high. We have political policing of the politicians fighting against austerity and jailing of any anti-government protestors while the banks and politicians have destroyed the country.

Now I'll ask the question again, how and why the same sex referendum has gotten any momentum with what's currently going on in our country. Also note the wording of the title of the referendum: the "Equality referendum", how patronising and propagandist is that? Making it sound like if you vote against it you are voting against equality, wow that's like having a vote on genetically modified food to be legally sold on our shop shelves and calling the referendum "The Health Referendum", it's so wrong.

About 2 years ago we had a referendum called "The Children Referendum", another completely propagandist title. What sort of democracy do we live in when we have titles like these? The children's referendum just gave the state more power when it comes to taking people's children, even homeschooling could allow the state to take your children because the referendum was passes with a unanimous yes vote.

Anyway back to the same sex marriage referendum. It should not have gotten any leeway on political scale such as this. It's wrong because a man and a woman should only get married. It's call true family values, for people to think there is no difference between a man and a woman and a man and man getting married once they love each other is gravely mistaken. It's a mistake this government has made to launch this so quickly with no regard for people who wish to vote no. It's an insult to the true families of this country. It just proves how much of a backward country Ireland has become. We have lost our sovereignty and now we have lost our true family values.

Vote yes to allow same sex married couples to adopt children
Vote yes to allow the government to block the legislation which currently allows children know the real names of their biological parents if they were adopted.

Vote no for a better Ireland.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

8 reasons not to sell on Amazon

I have some experience in selling on Amazon and I have to say from the start it was absolutely terrible. Everything about it is geared towards the buyer, the seller has hardly any rights whatsoever. I have the following prod and cons to being a seller below and there are more cons.

1. Immediate market to sell to

1. Amazon take a massive commission, up to 15% which is a lot of people's margin gone straight off the bat.
2. They have a thing called AZ Claim. This is a claim the buyer can make for just about anything and the seller has only days to respond to the claim and then the buyer gets all their money back unless you, the seller actually puts in a counter claim which is then up to the person receiving in Amazon. They basically favor the customer every time, even if the customers claim is rubbish. So the customer can pick anything wrong with a product, like a tiny scrape ( which they could probably do themselves) and then put in a claim. The worst part is then they have a great chance of winning and getting a free product. People are really taking advantage of this and it hurts sellers badly.
3. Automatic price lowering. Just as competition couldn't get any worse they introduced automatic price decreasing, meaning if you select this then your products will be the cheapest on Amazon, even if someone puts a product in at a ridiculously low cost ( possibly just to screw you) and then you have to go out of business, ouch.
4. Most of your time is on Amazon losing valuable time to focus on your real business or selling on your own platforms. If your starting off and don't have the resources to pay for a full time Amazon staff member then it's very hard to keep up. Amazon themselves send a ridiculous amount of emails and customers add to this so too much time is needed.
5. So many rules and easy to lose your selling privileges. Same as above, if you do not put 100% into Amazon then you start to lose points. When your points go too low then your gone. And whe your gone and have been relying on selling on Amazon they literally throw you out like you were nothing to them. The way to lose points seems endless. One example is if you delay a shipment, that's marking an order shipped. If an order comes in on Friday night and you don't mark it shipped until Monday then it's a delayed shipment and it effects your selling rights. Also sometimes Amazon will email you ona Saturday morning and only give you 24 hours to answer. If you don't answer then you can lose a claim or some selling privileges etc.
6. Amazon will destroy you with requests.
Out of the blue we got asked for certification that our products had certain standards. So they wanted Sophie's of the test certificates, WTF!! If we are selling a product that we bought of someone and they bought off another then where do we start with getting this sort of stuff. We were selling them without an issue and all of a sudden Amazon decide to destroy us even though we were selling a perfect product. Trying to tell them they should get the certificates from the manufacturer they don't want to know and pass you from Adam to Paul with no resolution, ever.
7. Too much competition so no money can be made. There's way too many people competing on Amazon it's geared towards the massive sellers that can get products for cheaper and make more money because they are selling in quantity and can afford all of the returns and queries Amazon have to offer.
8. Prepare to give products away for free. Because of amazons rules that even if someone raises an AZ claim which you win, they still go against you!! WTF, even if you win an AZ IT Goes against you, that's friggin insane.

In summary there's too many cons to selling on Amazon. Put your efforts into your own shop or website where you have more control and don't have to pay Amazon for a lot of hassle with zero returns.