Saturday, April 18, 2015

Same sex marriage referendum in Ireland very propagandist

In a few weeks Ireland will be voting whether same sex marriage should be allowed and set up in the constitution as an acceptable married couple who will have the exact same rights as heterosexual married couples.

First of all I want to ask how and why this has even made it as far as a vote. At this present moment Ireland is in the worst economic recession ever in the history of the state, far worse than the 80s with huge issues on our doorstep. Our health service is gone to shambles with more people on hospital waiting beds needing emergency operations than ever before. We have corrupt bankers and Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael politicians who should have been sent to jail over the whole bailing out the banks fiasco. We have more homeless people on the street and people getting evicted from their family home by the same banks the people have bailed out. These hard working people are being thrown out of their houses and still have to pay the entire loan to the banks with no intervening from our corrupt government. We have mass emigration of our best and most educated students leaving the country to go find jobs. Unemployment rate, despite what our corrupt government say is at an all time high. We have political policing of the politicians fighting against austerity and jailing of any anti-government protestors while the banks and politicians have destroyed the country.

Now I'll ask the question again, how and why the same sex referendum has gotten any momentum with what's currently going on in our country. Also note the wording of the title of the referendum: the "Equality referendum", how patronising and propagandist is that? Making it sound like if you vote against it you are voting against equality, wow that's like having a vote on genetically modified food to be legally sold on our shop shelves and calling the referendum "The Health Referendum", it's so wrong.

About 2 years ago we had a referendum called "The Children Referendum", another completely propagandist title. What sort of democracy do we live in when we have titles like these? The children's referendum just gave the state more power when it comes to taking people's children, even homeschooling could allow the state to take your children because the referendum was passes with a unanimous yes vote.

Anyway back to the same sex marriage referendum. It should not have gotten any leeway on political scale such as this. It's wrong because a man and a woman should only get married. It's call true family values, for people to think there is no difference between a man and a woman and a man and man getting married once they love each other is gravely mistaken. It's a mistake this government has made to launch this so quickly with no regard for people who wish to vote no. It's an insult to the true families of this country. It just proves how much of a backward country Ireland has become. We have lost our sovereignty and now we have lost our true family values.

Vote yes to allow same sex married couples to adopt children
Vote yes to allow the government to block the legislation which currently allows children know the real names of their biological parents if they were adopted.

Vote no for a better Ireland.

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