Friday, March 21, 2014

King crisps have msg

King Crisps Ireland have MSGs, beware.

I was about to open a bag of king crisps today when I decided to have a look at the ingredients. Low and behold I notice the ingredient E621. Now I know Pringles and the likes state MSG and I know from research that another name for MSG is E621 and also other numbers that I can't remember. All I know is that MSG or E621 is monosodium glutamate. This food additive is very controversial. Supposedly any tests done in labs seen to have astounding evidence showing MSG is harmful when consumed by humans. So why is it in so much of our food? Because of complete corruption. Yes the powers to be aren't here to make sure we all eat safe and stay clear of terrible diseases. Just look up some individual tests done on rats with MSGs. Cancer, IBS, gastric problems are just the tip of the iceberg. Why, when all these independent tests have proved that MSG is bad is it still allowed on our shelves. Also MSGs are creeping into more and more foods on our shelves. All it takes is for you to pick it up and read it before you make your decision whether you should buy or not. Here's what I took from reading into MSGs and it's effect on the body. MSG as a chemical pretends to your brain that it's actually a protein. When your brain thinks it's good wholesome, healthy protein it gets excited and sends dopamine from your brain into the rest of your body. The kind of feeling you get if your starving and you chomp into a chicken drumstick straight out of the oven. When your brain realises that there's actually no protein in the food your consuming it treats the food as an actual toxin. Bodies act differently with toxins, some react badly and some don't.  In my experience, when I eat fast food like Chinese food which is renowned for MSG usage I get this burning feeling in my jaws and a kind of buzzing feeling in my ears. It actually feels a bit like I'm after taking some sort of drug. I don't know whether I enjoyed the food as I'm practically out if it. I went through this for a long time most weekends, wondering why I get that feeling after a Chinese. Then I came across the term MSG so looked into it. 

So when I go to open a packet of what I would have thought was a good honest crisp from a good honest Irish company I was let down badly.

King Crisps or Ireland. Please note I will never purchase a packet of your crisps again until you remove that controversial ingredient from your recipe. I'll be sticking with Tayto Crisps from now on. I'm not a huge crisp fan but when I do eat my crisps I want honest ones. 

Shame on you King.

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