Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Animal Cruelty

Animal Cruelty

My 1st blog will be about something that means a lot to me. Animal Cruelty, why is this such a common practice? I lay out some of the reasons this occurs below:

Cowardly People: I have witnessed some cowards in my time taking out vengeance on poor defenceless animals. This is the lowest of the low. Just because these idiots cant handle themselves in a fight with another human being they feel they will take it out on something that will not fight back. Total losers these guys are, a shame to humanity.

Cristmas cruelty: Idiots that buy an animal just for Christmas are losers. They will inevitably get rid of the animal as soon as it gets a little older than a baby. People should have to apply for a license to be allowed hold a pet, no matter what the animal is.

Halloween: This is a terrible time of the year for animals especially if bonfires occur in your country, such as Ireland or the UK. Everyone knows this and anyone with pets should NOT let their pets out over the Halloween period AT ALL. All you need to do is ask your local VET this and they will tell you the same thing.

VETs: Another rediculous reason for animal cuelty are VETs recommending pets ot be put down. Soetimes this is for the most rediculous of reaons. "Im afraid to tell you that your pet needs to be put down, its for the best", whats the reason? "Hes got a very sore tummy"
Come on VETs give me a break, putting an animal down is a handy €75. A failed operation will cost €200 but might take up a lot more of your time. Think of the animals for goodness sake. I personally had a dog, had an issue with eating for around 4 days, we brought it to the vet and they recommended putting it down as it had a kidney disease. We asked for alternatives so the VET said he could prescribe meds and might help our dog live longer. It ebded up living for another great 2 years.

It would be great if governments could help by outloawing ownership of any pet until proper grooming has been done to the potential owners, then licenses given. A license should carry a chage per year. If whoever wants a pet should be willing to pay a charge per year for the privilages it brings with it.

Immediate termination of a license and a fine of minimum €2000 for anyone in breach of the terms of their license.

Immediate confiscation of all animals in their posession.

For anyone thinking of breeding animals there should be strict guidelines and the keeping of the animals should be randomly checked without notice. A large fee for holding breeders license will be required also. Terminations of license should be immediate for any mis-handling of the animals or their surroundings.

We need to get the word out their that animal cruelty cannot and will not be tolerated. And save those stupid excuses for the neanderthal times such as, "but bull fighting is a tradition in parts of Spain"... well Slavery was a tradition for hundreds of years and now thats abolished.

Please join my blog and start a revolution, a revolution of total Common Sense. Its needed now more than ever.

Common Sense Party Strikes again.

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