Wednesday, December 17, 2014

RTE news. Complete propaganda

Am I the only one completely sick of the RTE spin machine. I don't believe half of the tripe they talk about. Especially the way they spun the Gaza situation. They made it seem like there was a fair and equal war going on in Gaza but was started by the Palestinians from firing rockets towards Israel. Now if that was true that Palestinians were indeed firing rockets wouldn't you think more than 50 Israelis would have died, instead over 3000 Palestinians were killed and about 50 Israelis, now if that's a fair and equal war I'm not sure what RTE would call an onslaught or a colonisation. I'm sure when the British were taking control of ireland RTE would have used different words. Even the guest speakers they had on were either Jewish or Americans, I think one was a Canadian with a surname like spiegeleisen or something completely Jewish. The only people speaking on the Palestinian side was either a hippy or someone planted saying things like "we will open up the gates of hell for Israel" and death to Israel, etc. 

Shame on RTE for the way they presented this story but it's good in a sense because most people could see through their propaganda opening their eyes for any future stories they may present. 

The latest propaganda spin is the protests which have being happening all over ireland. One protest had about 100,000 people out on the streets in Dublin City and they said up to 30000 people, complete lies to belittle the campaign. They also said the protest was single handed lay about ireland refusing to pay a water charge, brought in by our current corrupt government under instructions from the troika after we lost our sovereignty by bailing out the banks who previously bankrupted the country by pumping money and loans to ireland and calling them up. With an influx of money in the country property prices went up and lots of speculating happened in the markets in turn making the property prices go exceptionally higher than they should have been. RTE and the other media outlets helped this boom to happen by repeatedly telling people they should by a house now before the prices to mega levels, they even had a chart showing what house prices would be like in 10 years if people don't buy as quick as possible. This in turn led to thousands of mortgage applications being rushed through. To make this happen quicker they introduced 100% mortgages without the need of a deposit. This then made the markets go crazy and every dick and Harry went straight to the banks to see how much they would get. All this while RTE were still scaremongering people to get onto the property ladder. All this was the start of things going wrong for ireland, well actually the start was joining the EU but because of corrupt parties like fine fail and Fine Gael it put ireland into the worst position it has ever been in financially. And RTE have been instrumental in making other parties look like they wouldn't be able to organise a piss up never mind run a country. 

The point being RTE are paid by us to present fair and equal not biased news and all they do is manipulate things to suit the EU agenda, and to keep the usual idiot corrupt parties in power time and time again. They think if another party get into power then that might just jeopardise those ridiculously overpaid jobs they have. Maybe their right, but we the people don't have to sit back and listen to their bull because we can get alternative media on the Internet and we also have remotes so we can turn over as we please. I look at it when it's on but keep an open mind as to what the real truth might be. Just watch them with a pinch of salt. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Why the heck is aspartame an ingredient in nearly every soft or diluted drink available in large shopping centres like tescos and dunnes stores etc, even lidl and aldi drinks are riddled with the stuff. It's actually really hard to find a concentrated drink without it, you know the ones where you just add water? Well I think out of about 10 different types in lidl only one type didn't have aspartame, it had the other one Sacharin. And don't get me started on tescos, I don't think they have any concentrated drinks in the whole place without it, even their own brand... Actually scrap that.. Especially their own brand. The thing is aspartame is supposed to be incredibly harmful if consumed, especially for children. So that has me thinking why, for something so harmful do they add it to children's drinks. Let's face it the only real people to drink those types of drinks are children. 

Apparently aspartame was a drug invented in a lab to chemically lobotomise patients who were severely mentally ill. Just do some research and you will see streams of information on it. And before you think I should have a tin hat on just look at other drugs which were releases to make the world a better place and make you healthier, thalidomide comes to mind. That's an example of not enough research being done before taking the substance. Now money and capitalism can be partly to blame for drugs being rushed through without proper studies. When a company has a eureka moment and feels they can make a few million in the process along comes with trail of destruction in the wake to get them what they want, which is money and success at any costs. This is also part of the whole capitalism system we live in today. If it makes the big guys money then get it out there quick and pay off enough people to make it happen as fast as possible. If the right people are handed the right brown envelope anything can happen, even speedily pushing through new drugs.

Before you think I'm losing my own point aspartame was originally a drug as outlined for lobotomising patients until a really clever scientist decided to taste it and eureka it tasted sweet, like sugar. So with that the guys above decided to roll it out as a sugar substitute, something today that's requested by so many 'clinically obese' people the media keep telling us about.

In the last 10 years sugar has been enemy no 1 for anyone going on a diet at any point in their lives, if only there was a sugar substitute which you can consume without any of the ill effects of sugar, none, absolutely no ill effects... Could this be correct? Absolutely no ill effects? Well considering it was originally invented to lobotomise people by melting away a piece of their brain then maybe that's just HOGWASH! Of course it damages your health but unfortunately for us some corrupt gits in America are after rolling it out all over the world with very little obstacles except having to pay out more money. 

Well the good news is that we as a people have a choice about what we consume but just make sure you read the label to ensure it hasn't got the dreaded aspartame included. Actually you should keep sweeteners down to a minimum until you do research on it. 

Again for all the people saying I should have a tin hat on I say this: Anything with even then slightest amount of controversy shouldn't be an ingredient in any of the foods we eat until proper independent research is carried out. 

I tend to go for the real sugar products but just try and keep it to a small daily dose. 

After I wrote this I looked for an image on aspartame and found one on a very good link that I'll post now:

There's tonnes more all you have to do is write aspartame on a search engine and you'll find it. Also I found a really good search engine that won't spy on you and by the way I'm not affiliated with any of the above, if you know of a way to make money posting links please let me know because it just doesn't work as far as I'm concerned, I'm just a left minded idealist that feels like posting blogs that might make the world wake up a little bit and start asking questions.