Sunday, September 1, 2013

Leave Syria Alone

Leave Syria Alone

Why is America pushing the Syria Agenda as far as it can possibly go. Why does America frantically want to go to war with Syria. Why are its allies trying to enter into the country? To most people it just doesn't seem right. It seems that its just too much too soon. Nobody seems to know the real reasons that America does want this so passionately. Maybe there's some other, more sinister intent to all of this. Have a look at this video:

So why are the people over Obama getting him to sin such an order. Well maybe its for America and its allies to seize control of yet another middle east country. If they control Syria then that leaves only Iran as the main opponents of the West. When America eventually take Iran then America and its allies are facing China and Russia. Then what happens? More than likely World War 3.

Some elites make a lot of money from wars. When war is on the horizon share prices in weapons companies shoot up. So these people cant lose out. They are the same people who control the politicians and the countries threatening war. When the resources of a country are "controlled", the countries who "invade" the country in "trouble" ends up profiteering greatly from the resource they now control.


The media covering this whole charade of "chemical weapons" should be ashamed of itself. Especially the news i watch, UK news and Ireland news. They are literally refusing to show anything which is said in favour of Assad. Its propaganda in its worst form. Its scandalous. The producers and editors of the Irish and English news should hold their heads down in shame as they are puppets for the American regime and they are partly to blame for the amount of lives which will be lost in this conflict.

Did America hep in the Past?

Have they, and we not learned from the last few wars?
Iraq: The war with Iraq was completely illegal. Bush should be tried with war crimes. There was no weapons of mass destruction, none. What a ridiculous oopsy with stupendous proportions. Iraq is now completely destroyed as a country and will never be back to "normal". Even if normal was run by a dictator it was a lot better than it is now. And Saddam was only classed as a dictator when he stopped doing favours for the Americans. Iran-Contra for example. Also the drilling into Kuwait.

Libya: Gadaffis own people hailed him as a hero. They loved him. He wrote the book on democracy. He gave free electricity to his people Gave them a grant to buy there own family home because he believed every family deserved their own home. He was orchestrated as a dictator when he decided not to do favours with America anymore. What he did was sign his own death warrant by telling America they have to buy Libyan gold with gold bullion. They were previously paying for it with printed US dollars.

What a complete waste of time and energy. Going to war in a desert where nobody could be found.

The list goes on and on and these pointless wars, or occupations must stop. How about trying to stop current occupations going on as we speak. Like Palestine for example. Where is America for this war against the people of Palestine. Palestine is nearly gone now compared to what it once was because of occupation.

I think the majority of the word wants America to stay put and not to get involved in yet another "conflict", Politicians must unite just like the UK parliament and say NO to this.

The chemical attack on Syria looks like a false flag terrorist attack. See this explaining Ron Pauls view:

Its up to us, the people with common sense to stop these warmongers in their tracks.